Histogram Dashboard V4

distribution for , on with as and compare by

Histogram Type
Metric Count
Sample Count
Sample Sum
Number of dates
Selected Dates
5th Percentile
25th Percentile
75th Percentile
95th Percentile

Notice percentiles are estimated based on values in the histogram. Values are only guaranteed to be accurate to the nearest bucket.
Key sorting: sort the key names in the graph titles by from highest to lowest
Table mode: show histograms as tables of values rather than visual charts:
Cumulative mode: show each bucket as the sum of itself and all buckets on its left:
Date range variable: filter submissions by build date range or submission date range:
Sanitize data: hide data points that don't have enough submissions:
Trim small buckets: hide buckets on both sides that don't have enough samples:

Make sure to post a permalink if referencing a particular configuration! Comments are associated with the selected measure.

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